I don't have a console but my brother bought me Broken Age for the PC for Christmas. I loved the old point and click adventures like Monkey Island and Broken Sword so I really enjoyed it, and the story was really clever with the two playable characters and how their storylines worked together.
I used to have a go on my brother's PS3 for the Uncharted series, but we're now at opposite ends of the country. Got to love a bit of treasure hunting.
I don't have a console on campus, I wouldn't be able to justify it to myself, but I have been playing some neat games on PC. Lately, I have mostly been playing Undertale, Stardew Valley, and Neverwinter Nights. Of the three, I would have to say Undertale was the most impactful, but that is not to say I have not have a lot of fun playing the other two. I haven't had a chance to play Uncharted yet, but my dad tells me it plays like watching a movie, hopefully I'll have time to play it over break!