Earliest mention of 'asexuality'?
So, forget about ace dating apps, pride events and articles in mainstream newspapers for a moment. Cast your mind back to your earliest memories and work your way forwards to work out when you first heard about asexuality. It could be someone uttering the term in passing, or maybe you stumbled across...
Host Thom
Aros in the house?
Who's aromantic in here? What are your experiences? What is, for that matter, romance to you?
I can start: I'm aro, and found that out soon after finding out that I'm ace. While the discovery of my aceness really resonates with me in a positive way,I was more reluctant embracing aro-ness. Now, I thin...
I'd Like Your Opinion On Coming Out
I know we usually talk about more lighthearted things on this forum, but I'm starting to become concerned and I'd like your opinions. If this isn't a good place for it, please let me know. I tend to be very open about my sexuality when I'm asked about it or it fits the conversation, but I don't generally co...
Queer Kid Stuff
Sooo, I just stumbled across this video and channel...I'm really not sure how I feel about it!! It seems to be aimed at really young kids and I'm all for spreading awareness but I think this is a tad creepy! What are your guys thoughts? What is the appropriate age to teach kids about this kind of stuff? [vi...
Early Pride flag?
In some sort of strange synchronicity, I was reading about the minimalist painter Agnes Martin and her being described as an "art nun" and probably being asexual-looking at some of her paintings I cam across this from 1959!
Steve and Thom's Wedding Film - Please Help!
Hi guys... As a few of you may know, Steve and I are having a short film made about us and our wedding... It's likely to end up being shown in many places once its completed, but our friends who are filming it need funding to finish the project (and time is running out before the wedding!). Click below to wat...
Host Thom
MyUmbrella Diversity Awards
Below are the links to the National Diversity Awards pages for MyUmbrella and one of its founders, Kerry, who featured on today's episode of the podcast. They're a fantastic organisation, and if anyone has a spare minute to show their support that'd be great! :D PS I think these are the right links, bu...
Asexuals dating Allosexuals
Thought I would start a new thread for last weeks question/discussion of the week :) I have been in a relationship with an allosexual for over two years now. It took us quite a long time to find the right compromise that worked for both of us. When we first met I told him that sex wasn't on the cards and he was...