"How to unblock a program on Windows 10 as an administrator" I had to configure my printer for my new laptop and Windows security kept blocking the installer, took me about a half hour of my morning to get it working, I wish merpugs had been the answer.
My last search was the rather dull 'effectiveness of deep-brain stimulation on Parkinson's disease', although it has some significance as it is probably the last Google search I ever make for my exam prep :D
Oh, and it's pretty effective, in case you were wondering.
I was watching Botched and one of doctors said "belly button cheese" like it was a medical term so I googled it to see if it was... it isn't but you can make real cheese from belly button stuff, which is a disgusting fact just for you!
You’re not really an adult at all.
You’re just a tall child holding a beer, having a conversation you don’t understand.